Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Part 5: Why I am running for Cincinnati City Council.

Cincinnati has suffered for going on almost two decades with a lack of leadership and a lack of vision. This has cost our city dearly. We have seen such projects as the stadiums and the Banks become a laughing stock. Redevelopment of Downtown is not where it should be. Crime over the last 10 years has been at unacceptable levels, and our school system has new building but the same old problems. I could go on but we all understand the challenges that Cincinnati faces. The question that you are asking yourself is why should you vote for me?

You should vote for me because I represent what Cincinnati leadership should be about. I am person that understands that status quo is no longer acceptable. We need new people in office that are not beholden to the same tired idea’s that got us here in the first place. We need people with backgrounds that are more than just being a lawyer or a career politician as we have had many times in the past. We need people on council that understand the daily struggles that the average Cincinnatian faces. I feel that living and growing up in Cincinnati I am acutely aware of the struggles that most of us face living in Cincinnati.

I have been married to my wife Jamie for nine years, and we have one son that is almost three years old. While we have been married we have both gone to college while working full-time and have purchased our own home. Like many families to make ends meet and to have a little extra, we both are currently working full time and I also have second job that I work part-time. Even with all of this we would be considered living “average middleclass lifestyle”. I mention this not to brag but to say that I understand everyday struggles that hard working Cincinnatians face.

Growing up in Cincinnati and going to C.A.P.E. (Cincinnati Academy of Physical Education) and Western Hills High School, I understand the concerns that people have with our school system. We must improve this system and when I am elected to council I will push for council to take an active role in being a partners with CPS to make our school district the best public school district in Ohio.

We must have a renewed focus on education and provid opportunities for all students to learn and succeed. Some may argue that this should be left up to the Cincinnati Public School Board to handle. They have been handling it for this long with very little in the way of results. Our children’s education directly affects the quality of life for those of us that live in Cincinnati. Students that have a better education will be less likely to commit crimes. We need real solutions to fixing our crime problem, I feel rather than using gimmicks, improving our education system will gives us a great opportunity to reduce crime in Cincinnati.

I am running for Cincinnati City Council because I would rather help change our city for the better than be another person that has given up and moved away. We have real problems that need to be addressed. Cincinnati City Council must improve its relationship with its minority population and finally address their concerns in a meaningful way. We must have a redevelopment plan for all our neighborhoods that doesn’t continually displace our less fortunate citizens. We must have leaders of Cincinnati that are more worried about the citizens of this city than their political careers and aren’t beholden to special interest groups or business. We have paid a steep price over the years for the lack of leadership at City Hall. I realize that change can be hard, but to move this city forward a change on Cincinnati City Council is a must.

Vote for Darryl Cordrey II for Cincinnati City Council not because I am well connected or a lifetime politician, vote for me because I am the average Cincinnatian that will fight not for a just one neighborhood or one group of people. I will fight for what is best for all that call Cincinnati home.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Part 4: Fiscal Responsibility

Just like every other municipality in the United States, Cincinnati is facing a plethora of economic and financial issues. Cincinnati City Council for too long has been acting irresponsibly with our tax dollars, and as a result we are in situations like telling our retired city workers that we will have to renege on the retirement benefits that we have promised them. The time has come for a change on city council and to bring financial stability and responsibility back to city hall.

When I am elected to Cincinnati City Council I will fight for a five percent reduction in pay and in the office budget of the mayor’s office and each city councilperson. If it weren’t for some on city council during the last budget meetings, they would have passed a five percent budget reduction in the office budget for those on city council. Unfortunately we had a couple of council people that felt it was more important to make a political point and “ show who was in charge” rather than do what was best for the citizens of Cincinnati.

I will on city council, fight for those that through their hard work and dedication have earned the retirement that the City of Cincinnati has promised them. Cincinnati City Council must stand by these promises. It is not the fault of the retirees that Cincinnati City Council has mismanaged the city’s retirement program Changes must be made to the program but it should not be at the expense of those that are retired and were already promised their benefits.

How do we pay for this? The answer is through redevelopment. We can pay for this by making our city more business friendly and to make the city more attractive to live in. Taking these steps will increase Cincinnati’s tax base without increasing taxes or cutting vital services to our citizens. Investing in promoting business and population growth in Cincinnati through redevelopment of infrastructure is fiscally responsible.